
Foods With Spermidine

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Almost everyone strives to live a long and healthy life. However, in reality, very few people are able to fulfil this dream. Human longevity is marred by environmental factors and genes, among other things.

While research attempts to discover ways in which human life can be extended while maintaining its quality, it stumbled across certain supplements that can aid in this process.

One such supplement of note is spermidine. Anti-aging research has shed some light on the various benefits of this longevity supplement.

While aging cannot be stopped completely, it can certainly be delayed. In this article, you will find out more about spermidine. It will also list out the foods rich in spermidine so that you can enjoy the benefits of a long and healthy life.

What Is Spermidine?

Spermidine belongs to the polyamine family. This natural polyamine was first uncovered in the 17th century in sperm. However, sperm is not its only residing spot. Spermidine is part of nearly all human cells.

This naturally occurring compound belongs to the polyamines group. Polyamines help perform intermediate metabolism. 

Spermidine comes from external sources such as ingested foods, or it is synthesized naturally within the cells.

Recent research has focused on the importance of spermidine. It indicates that these organic molecules are capable of triggering autophagy in the cells.

Autophagy is the human body’s renewal process through which it deals with unwanted or damaged cells and their components. This process slows down with age. If spermidine triggers autophagy, it is key to human longevity.

However, this polyamine also decreases as we age. Research indicates supplementation could impact human health and lifespan. One can increase the levels of spermidine in the body by increasing the intake of spermidine-based foods.

Longevity And Health Benefits Of Spermidine

Spermidine has a vital role in organisms. One of its biggest roles is its ability to promote autophagy. This helps counteract aging. Autophagy is the human body’s way of cleaning house. It helps get rid of damaged cells and promotes cellular renewal.

Our cells age as we age. They get damaged in the process. A build-up of such damaged cells opens up pathways to age-related diseases. In short, it affects our health and longevity.

If there are increased levels of spermidine in our body, it can step in and regulate cellular processes and optimize autophagy.

Besides triggering autophagy, spermidine also has numerous other benefits.


Spermidine has been observed in its role in helping prevent liver fibrosis and hepatocellular carcinoma in animal subjects. 

Additionally, studies have indicated that spermidine levels decline with age, which results in the appearance of various age-related diseases. Simply increasing these levels could counteract this effect.

Spermidine also helps in stress resistance, which helps fight the process of aging.


Research has indicated that spermidine increases longevity not only through autophagy but also by being involved in anti-inflammatory activities.

Inflammation plays a huge role in decreasing the quality and length of human life. It results in a wide variety of diseases. Chronic inflammation is damaging because it prevents the renewal of healthy tissue and impacts immune cells.

Spermidine helps our bodies age well by inhibiting chronic inflammation. It exhibits various anti-inflammatory activities through cell growth and proliferation, apostasies, and lipid metabolism.

Some research also indicates its role in improving cardiovascular function by inhibiting cardiac inflammation. 

Lipid Metabolism

The function of lipid metabolism is key to health and the duration of lifespan. Spermidine has an important role in our body's lipid metabolism process. 

Research over the years has indicated a correlation link between lipid metabolism and spermidine in the aging process. Fat cells known as adipocytes are created from stem cells with the help of spermidine. This creation process is called adipogenesis. Studies show that lipid metabolism gets restricted if spermidine is inhibited.

Therefore, spermidine’s role in lipid metabolism is considered a vital mechanism in extending lifespan.

Spermidine In Your Diet

Given the importance of spermidine in our bodies, it is important to intake a diet rich in this compound. You will find spermidine in a variety of food. There are certain foods that are rich in this polyamine. It is also available as a supplement.


Soy products have the highest quantities of spermidine. They are also an excellent source of plant protein. The spermidine content in soybeans helps in maintaining cell health and regrowth.


Mushrooms are loaded with spermidine. They aid in weight loss and better immunity. They also offer cell protection from free radicals.


In the spermidine-rich food pyramid, wheatgerm has the highest levels of the compound. Wheatgerm provides an estimated 30% of spermidine. It has 2,437 nmol/g of spermidine.

Aged Cheese:

Aged cheese not only packs a lot of calcium, but they are also an excellent source of spermidine. Mature cheese like brie, cheddar, and parmesan can boost levels of spermidine and improve overall health.


Besides containing spermidine, mangoes also have a notable vitamin A content and polyphenols. They are also rich in fiber.


Only certain nut varieties contain spermidine. The varieties with the highest amount of spermidine include hazelnuts, almonds, peanuts, pistachios, and cashew cores. However, these levels are not nearly enough to increase your spermidine.

Chicken Liver:

Chicken and chicken liver is chock full of spermidine. Additionally, it provides protein and selenium that help provide many health benefits, including aiding in the anti-aging process.

Green Peas:

Green peas have low fat. They also contain approximately 46 mg of spermidine in every 100 grams.


There is a notable amount of spermidine present in broccoli. It also packs various antioxidants that help reduce inflammation within the body. 

The Bottom Line

Spermidine is being researched for its various anti-aging benefits to the human body, including its impact on human longevity.

A drop in spermidine follows the natural course of aging. In the field of research relating to anti-aging, links have been made between spermidine and aging. One recent study has indicated that older people living in the blue zones have spermidine levels comparable to younger people.

Since spermidine is associated with longevity and health, eating foods rich in this content could be beneficial in the long run. There are several foods that can help you improve the levels of spermidine in your body, such as wheat germ, soy products, matured cheese, etc.

Rosemary Richards